Patience Inspires Positivity

Dasia Hood
3 min readJul 14, 2023
I often get in my head, so I need it to be a happy space. Photo credit: CHD:WCK!

I woke up feeling negative, my head full of pressure and symptoms of inadequacy. But, I am compelled to share how I cured my mind.

First, I went back to sleep.

I was hoping more rest would solve my sordid spirit. When I finally rose, I decided to step into the sun and check the mail, thinking, “Perhaps some sunlight will clear my cloudy aura.” Afterward, I decided to go to the store because I was craving fruit — something sweet.

On the way home from the market, I felt moved enough to release my tears in the car. Once ready to return inside, I hydrated with watermelon and nurtured myself with cherries. I felt light, sated, and, again, tired. I slept an hour more.

By the early afternoon, my mood had lifted, and the energy to begin the day appeared. Yes, hours of my morning passed, but I appreciated being in the right headspace before starting my day.

This higher space required patience to wait for the positive effects of awareness, rest, sunlight, movement, and hydration. Although I had work and content to create, I needed peace before progressing. And that’s just as important, especially for a woman balancing her feminine energy.

I created from pain, but I’m unlearning that because it’s less relatable to who I’m becoming. Photo credit: CHD:WCK!


I value my energy. High-vibration energy attracts detachment, abundance, love, wisdom, and health into my life. Negative energy brings me fear, shame, stress, gluttony, and guilt. Also, my energy impacts my perspective, reality, and the people I love. Before I go out and leave rest or solitude, I want to be vibrating as close to my consciousness as possible.

Observing this process from negativity to positivity helped me better understand myself. I have insight into remedying destructive or obstructive thinking by focusing on patience while regulating my emotions. Being mindful guides me through negative thoughts with kindness and patience so I can receive healing and compassion. And as a woman, I am empowered to prioritize this process to serve my purpose.

Inspired Action

The other benefit of observing this process is knowing how to reach a point where my energy is climatic enough to share. My writing transforms from a bit heartbroken and melodramatic to authentic and purposeful. And that reflects who I am becoming and what I want to put into the world.

As a writer, I want to help people with my words. In the past, I wrote in secret from a place of pain. But, a purposeful writer’s words align with inspired action, leading its audience from woefulness to wisdom.

Patience, who understands,

holds my shaky hands,

raises them to the sky,

while I surrender to cry


Giving me a moment,

to deal with disappointment,

Releasing the fatal weight,

I detach from fear and hate


Learning to let time pass,

sore reactions do not last,

My patience is mindfulness,

to think and speak with kindness.

